The Ten of Clubs Person
The Teacher Card

Today is November 10 which is also a 10 of Clubs. The following information was posted last year while waiting on the royal baby watch.
The Ten of Clubs is a very independent person and regardless of sex, will act as though they are a King or Queen. The females have masculine minds and natures and all want complete and unrestrained freedom to do what they choose, when they choose it. The Ten of Clubs have come full circle in their quest for knowledge. They have a powerful mind and a consuming desire for more knowledge that makes them progressive and usually very successful. In this life they must learn to regain the control over their mind which has developed somewhat of a life of its own. Many Ten of Clubs complain of having trouble sleeping because of the endless chatter of their marvelous mental equipment. The best path back to self-mastery is to direct the mind into right motives, higher principles and hard work. They need to work hard and keep busy to be happy.
The Three of Hearts in Mars makes for emotional restlessness and undecidedness about their choice of occupation, which can be a strain on relationships and hold them back from achieving their highest ambitions. The Three of Diamonds challenge card also bears this out and tells that they will be doing much experimenting as they work towards finding out what really satisfies them.
The strong desire for spiritual wisdom and study of spiritual philosophies will bring contact with many uplifting groups and will increase their enjoyment of life. Their most fulfillment will come through work that allows them some freedom and expression of their creativity and their greatest challenge lies in making up their mind about which way to go or what it is that will truly satisfy them.
Some of the Ten of Clubs Issues Concerning Relationships
Being so independent, powerful, and creative, the Ten of Clubs usually has some difficulty in establishing a long-term relationship. Look at Madonna and Shirley Maclaine as perfect examples of this. They may just do better being single and admitting that right up front. However, there is an undeniable thirst for love and love has its own truth which they must contend with. Love always wants more of itself and usually this requires making commitment and is where the Ten of Clubs has the challenge. It is either them or their partner that cannot make a choice to have just ‘one’ person.
Usually the Ten of Clubs has a short attention span when it comes to personal relationships. There is the desire to experience many different relationships or multiple relationships at the same time. The females, especially, have a difficult time with this desire and often have deep set emotional problems to contend with before they find true happiness in love.
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