King of Diamonds

K♦ The King of Diamonds Person (3♣/ 7♠ ) The Businessman’s Card The K♦ is the master of values, finances and business. In this regard he or she can do very well in any business pursuit, applying their inherited knowledge to their work with much success. These people are always more successful as heads of…

August 26, The King of Hearts

K♥ The King of Hearts Person (2♥ ) The Father Card The King of Hearts recognizes that love is the highest power of all. These people make devoted parents, but not always the best spouses. Their devotion to their children and profession often displaces the love they would give their spouse. They do love everyone,…

The Moon Cards in Your Life

Have you ever met someone with whom you felt immediate comfort? Someone you felt like you had known forever even though you had just met? There are many explanations for this and connections which feel this way but the Moon connection, when properly expressed and accepted will have this effect. I am a 3♥ I…