Endings and Beginnings

As the holiday season approaches we often begin to think of our losses and forget about our blessings so I write my thoughts here as I remember my own losses, count my blessings and wait to see if I am facing yet another loss which I must release. Even if there is a hole in…

March 4, 6♠

6♠ The Six of Spades Person (9♠ & 2♠) The Card of Fate This is a powerful card, and the card of a person who is here to learn the responsibility of such power. These people either align themselves to a higher purpose and vision and achieve great success, or have their power turned against…

November 30 – 3♥

3♥ The Three of Hearts Person (A♥ & 3♦) The Indecision in Love Card   The 3♥ is the first card in the Mundane Spread of cards and represents the departure of Man and Woman from the Garden of Eden. They are inquisitive, intelligent and interested in work. They have particular success working with men…