What does Thanksgiving on the 27th have to do with Christmas?

They are both a 6 of Hearts Day. This is only true when Thanksgiving falls on 11/27. There are only 3 days of the year on which you can be a 6 of Hearts Birth Card. The dates are 10/29, 11/27 and 12/25. Of course if you were born on any of these dates, you too are a 6 of Hearts birth card.

As the year comes to the end, there are several cards which occur on only 3 days of the year. By November 30, we are down to the 3 of Hearts where there are only 2 birth card days and then the 2 of Hearts and the Ace of Hearts with only one day of the year. We will discuss those as we head into the end of the year.

6♥ The Six of Hearts Person (4♣ & 3♦)

The Peace Maker’s Card

This is a card of peace, harmony and stability in love and family. The Six of Hearts person is aware of the ‘law of love’. They apply themselves to maintain stability in relationships. This stability can make for a satisfying life or one of monotony and boredom. It all depends upon how it is handled by the individual. They are somewhat fixed and dislike changes and upsets. Sometimes this can keep them in a relationship longer than necessary as they sort out their intentions and motives. They are usually successful and can apply their great mental power to most any area with success, in spite of occasional fears about not having enough. Their greatest success lies in the knowledge and communications fields and they usually do better by developing one area and sticking to it. They have the power to learn practically anything.6 of hearts featured image

They are here to settle karmic love debts, to forgive and forget and they can rise to the heights of spiritual awareness by their actions. They never get away with injuries to others and are well aware of that. Being the same as the card for Christmas, their lives are intended to be that of plenty and giving.

For some Six of Hearts, there will be the discovery of a special “mission” in life, one that involves bringing love into the lives of others in a special way. It is here that they find their highest fulfillment and happiness.

Some of the Six of Hearts Issues Concerning Relationships

In the process of learning ‘the responsibility of love’, the Six of Hearts may have some lessons in personal relationships. Their basic love karma is good and they can have an ideal marriage. They prefer to be with those that they can do business with and expect those they marry to hold up their end of the bargain. They are usually able to get what they want in matters of love as long as they maintain the attitude of being responsible and listening to the call of the higher love nature within them.

The planetary ruling cards for the 6 of Hearts dates are shown below:

10/29 11/27 12/25
J♠/10♦ 8♣ 6♦

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